10 Short Videos that can Help You in Your Garden

Do you want to learn the basics of gardening in less than an hour?

Here are the videos I wished I have seen when I was getting started.


1. Easiest Way to Tell if Your Soil is Healthy in Your Garden (2:09 mins)

In this video, you will see what a healthy soil looks like. You will hear about the food soil web, composting, and worm castings.


2. Container Gardening (5:27 mins)

I started planting in containers when I first got interested in growing my own vegetables. They seem less intimidating than starting with a garden plot. While this video is about container gardening, you can learn things that you can also apply if you have a yard, such as square foot and vertical gardening.

3. Know Your Fertilizer: What NPK really means (2:12 mins)

What are the major nutrients that we need to give our plants for a good harvest? How do plants use them? These two questions will be answered in this video. If you’re interested to learn more about Nitrogen and Phosphorus and how our plants can access them,you can watch this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leHy-Y_8nRs (9:21 mins)


4. Building Garden Soil with Free, Local, and Abundant Resources (5:22 mins)

In this video, you will see the free resources for their garden that they found in their community.

SeedsIn our garden, we get kitchen scraps for our compost from a school canteen nearby. Our chickens (except for our rooster) were also given to us for free along with some of our seeds and seedlings. The City Agriculturist Office here in Lucena gives free seeds, seedlings and fingerlings. And the Provincial Agriculturist Office offers different kinds of services like free soil testing.

We also get free fish scraps and waste from the wet market – solids for our cats and diluted liquids for plants. We also harvest rain through banana circle, hugelkultur and drums.


5. Why Should I Put a Swale Into My Garden? (1:22 mins)

What is a swale and how can it help us collect water for our garden? We use our swale to direct water to our banana circle.


6. Compaction Kills – Straight to the Point (2:19 mins)

You will find out what happens when we step on the soil in our garden and how difficult we make it for our plants.


7. How to Mulch, The Three Musts of Mulching (3:33 mins)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hbcifblzUY?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]

In the video, you will learn how to apply mulch properly. Mulching helps protect our soil, one from the sun to retain moisture allowing us to water less.  We initially used rice straws we got from a local farm. Then we went with leaf mold, occasional plant trimmings, grass clippings and we’re currently experimenting with green mulch because of the snails. We don’t turn our mulch either since our  chickens do that.

8. Regenerate Life in Your Soil | Healthy soil (4:44 mins)

Here is where you can tie things up together to understand how we can build a healthy soil.


9. Wildlife Gardening – How to make your garden a wildlife haven (5:43 mins)

Here in the Philippines, we have to use native plants to attract wildlife, as opposed to the plants named in the video. After we started planting several flowering plants, we noticed lots of butterfly visitors as well as bees. Then as our garden grows, with the help of brush piles, bird bath and a small pond, we now see frogs, lizards, salamanders and birds.

10.Erik Ohlsen’s Suburban Permaculture Garden Tour (17:53 mins)

You can get great ideas from this video to create abundance in your garden. Ultimately, this is what we hope to achieve in our garden.

Bonus Video:

Louie Schwartzberg: The hidden beauty of pollination (7:40 mins)

So that’s about it! 10+2 videos that can help you in your garden.

Author: King Medina

is an entrepreneur from Lucena City. She's multipassionate and is currently interested in permaculture and bird watching. She enjoys frequent walks in nature, visual arts and life hacks.

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